Frequently Asked Questions about IV Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry is a complex procedure. Many of our patients frequently have a lot of questions about sedation dentistry. Below is a guide to the many questions we get all the time.




How much does IV Sedation Dentistry Cost?


Sedation dentistry questions


The cost of sedation dentistry depends on the complexity of the case, the fees of laboratory work and materials, the length of the sedation visits and other factors such as the patients medical history.  Often with larger more complex cases the IV sedation fees may be included. Generally sedation dentistry prices for full IV sedation dentistry are $700-$900 for the first hour and $200-$250 per 15 minute increment thereafter. Oral sedation dentistry is around $500. Dental gas sedation is $190 for the first hour.


What is Sedation Dentistry?


Sedation dentistry is the use of sedative drugs to achieve a state of conscious or unconscious being where a dental procedure can be done comfortably and calmly for the doctor and patient. Sedation in the dental office can be achieved by IV, orally with pills or with nitrous oxide gas. When sedatives are administered effectively a procedure is done while the patient is comfortable and in a position to tolerate the treatment without stress or distress. Dr. Adams does all our procedures requiring sedation. He provides whatever level of medication necessary to keep you calm, comfortable and safe during your dental appointment. For some high-anxiety dental patients, they may even need full sedation for dental cleanings and x-rays, while others may just need dental laughing gas or some other form of twilight.


Sedation Options Offered in Our Office?


We provide various forms of sedation depending on patient needs.

  1. Full IV sedation
  2. Oral Sedation
  3. Dental Laughing Gas


Does Dental Insurance Pay for Sedation Dentistry


sleep dentistry questionsI


Insurance coverage for IV sedation is variable. If you have sedation coverage and the procedures are covered by your dental insurance plan, then insurance will cover your sedation appointment. The best way to find out is to come in for a no cost consult so we can check your insurance coverage and determine what treatment is necessary. When we get your insurance break down, our patient coordinator can determine your insurance coverages and explain them to you.


Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?


is sedation dentistry safe


Sedation dentistry is safe and some cases more safe than dentistry performed without sedation. Our standard practice is that each patient will have their medical history reviewed and we’ll explain treatment options best suited for each case.


Can I Drive After Being Sedated At the Dentist?


No. You cannot drive after IV sedation sedation. You shouldn’t operate a vehicle for 24 hours after sedation or make any important legal decisions.


What is Oral Sedation Dentistry?


Oral sedation dentistry is using a medication taken by mouth (such as valium) to achieve a sedative effect.  It typically takes 45minutes to an hour to take effect and additional doses may be necessary depending on the tolerance of the patient. IV route of drug administration is more predictable because the effects are nearly immediate and an appropriate dose can be achieved quickly.


What is Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas Sedation?


Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas sedation is the use of a combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen gas for sedation purposes.  Also called inhalation analgesia. Nitrous oxide can be used in combination or another sedative such as valium or it may also be used prior to IV sedation dentistry to calm the patient prior to full intravenous sedation.


Can You eat or drink before sleep dentistry appointment?   


You cannot eat or drink for 12 hours prior to IV full sedation dentistry or oral sedation dentistry.  You can eat and drink before nitrous oxide or laughing gas sedation.


Oral Sedation vs Intravenous Sedation Dentistry?


How is oral sedation compared to IV at the dentist? Oral sedation dentistry takes longer, is less predictable and cannot be reversed easily with sedative reversal drugs.  IV sedation is fast, the level of sedation can be easily adjusted, it is very predictable and in most cases can be easily reversed (since there is an IV in place).  Generally, IV sedation dentistry is the best sedation method for patients with higher levels of anxiety. We believe IV sedation is safer and more predictable than oral sedation. While oral sedation takes longer and is less predictable, IV sedation is more expensive because of the level of training necessary for the dental anesthesiologist and the costs of the equipment necessary to deliver IV sedative drugs.


Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas Sedation Benefits?


What are the benefits of nitrous oxide dental gas? Nitrous oxide or laughing gas sedation sets in very quickly, is very effective for mild to moderate anxiety, is very non-toxic and it wears off very quickly with little to no hang-over effect.  A patient could have sedation and 30 minutes later drive a car or return to work.


Will I Remember Anything After Full Dental Sedation?


Most people do not remember a thing after full sedation dentistry. They report it was great and they do not remember a thing. Twilight sedation patients will remember their procedure but they remember being more relaxed and less anxious than usual. Twilight is for less anxious patients where less is being done, like maybe one tooth is being removed.

Will I Feel Pain During IV Sedation Dentistry?


No, except maybe when we put the IV in but that does not hurt too much and we can give you an oral sedative if you are anxious about the IV. Once you are IV sedated, we will still use local anesthesia to numb your teeth, but you just will not remember it. The local anesthesia is necessary because the IV sedative drugs do not numb your teeth but just sedates you so you are not scared.

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