IV Sedation Dentistry in Burtonsville Columbia MD

Sedation Dentistry in Burtonsville-Columbia MD


iv sedation dentist

Dr. Adams


Dr. Adams has been a practicing IV sedation dentistry for the comfort of his patients for years. “I have great compassion for patients who avoid the dentist because of extreme fear or other extreme obstacles…people give up on their teeth and reach the point of despair, depression and panic and dental doom…I enjoy helping them get their mouth, teeth and lives back in one easy IV sedation appointment.”
If you are searching for a full sedation dentist who puts people to sleep for regular dental work as well as complex work, you have found us. We do IV sedation dentistry where you can sleep through your dental work and wake up with the scary work all completed.. It is quick, does not take to long and does not hurt too much and you are asleep.

Contact us today for a sedation consultation


Who is a Candidate for IV Sedation?


  1. people with a high level of anxiety or fear of the dentist
  2. People who need to get lots of dental work done
  3. Severe gag reflex with inability to tolerate x-rays and impressions.
  4. Patients who have difficulty getting numb
  5. If you lose sleep the night before a dental appointment or if you avoid the dentist for a period of years, cancel dental appointments because you dread the visit – Then IV Sedation is best for you


How does IV Sedation Work?


First step is to take your vital signs to be sure you are a good candidate for full sedation dentistry. Then we will do an examination, form a treatment plan and discuss the treatment and sedation options, and fees. Finally we will schedule your IV sedation appointment. We make every effort to get all your dental work done in one appointment.


You cannot Drive After IV Sedation Dentistry


iv sedation dentistry


You will need to bring a driver who will care for you after your IV sedation appointment. You cannot drive after IV sedation dentistry.

On the day of your IV sedation dentist visit, Dr. Adams will first verify that you did not eat or drink for the prior 8 hours. Then, Dr. Adams will administer nitrous oxide dental gas  or an oral sedative to relax you. Once you are calm, we insert the IV. Once the IV is inserted, a combination of midazolam, fentanyl and triazolam for the IV sedation. The drugs are typically used in small amounts till the desired amount of sedation is accomplished. Once you are comfortable and sedated, we monitor your vital signs continuously and complete all your dental work.


Dental Anesthesia Recovery


Once all your dental work is complete, we will wake you up and place you into recovery. The sedative drugs we use wear off very quickly, Recovery usually lasts approximately 30 minutes. Your driver and caregiver will drive you home and look out for you. You are not allowed to drive for 24 hours. You are also not permitted to make any legal decisions for 24 hours.

We will have you pick up any prescription medications before your IV sedation appointment. Most patients heal very well after procedures under dental anesthesia.  On occasion, people may get nauseous after sedation, so we can additionally prescribe an anti-nausea medication.


Sedation Dentistry is the Answer for Severe Dental Phobia


intravenous dental sedation


Dental and oral health conditions have been deteriorating around the globe. Dental health care providers are now focusing on oral health education for spreading awareness among people to take dental treatments seriously. However, dental phobia has been considered among the major risk factors for tooth decay leading to removal of diseased teeth individually. People avoid visiting the dental office at an early stage of dental decay where prevention can be successful in majority of cases. Conscious sedation has enabled a large number of dentists in persuading individuals to opt for dental treatment procedures. This innovative technique reduces fear, provides relaxation and comfort during dental treatment procedures in the dental chair. People no longer need to have anxiety and stress caused by loud noisy dental drills, bad smell of dental materials, sharp instruments and needle pricks.


Conscious Sedation Can be provided in Three Ways:



What is the Most Effective Form of Sedation?


IV sedation has been considered to be the most effective type of dental sedation for providing comfort and relief to dental phobic patients visiting the dental office for extensive dental treatments.


What Happens During Sedation Dentistry?


During moderate IV sedation you will feel somewhat drowsy, can respond to only purposeful verbal commands and sensations of strong touch. When your dentist decides to go for deep IV sedation response will reduce to repeated verbal commands and painful sensations only. You will only remember a few parts of dental treatment procedures performed in your mouth.


Why Intravenous Sedation is Preferred to other Methods?


  • Provides sedation effect within very quick time period,
  • Provides moderate to deep sedation necessary for dental surgeries,
  • Adequate degree of effectiveness as the sedative drugs directly enter the bloodstream and provide immediate desired result
  • Your dentist will be totally in control and can customize the level of relaxation during the whole treatment procedure,
  • Provides most powerful dental sedative effect i.e. moderate to deep sedation as required after assessment,
  • Multiple dental treatment procedures can be safely and comfortably performed within a single appointment,
  • Dose of IV sedative can also be altered or increased at anytime during the dental surgeries whenever dental surgeon decides to do so for better treatment outcomes,
  • IV sedation also provides amnesic effect due to which you will not remember or feel anything bad regarding the dental surgical procedures after completion of appointment. This amnesic effect will help in eliminating your fear for dental treatments, dental instruments, clinic environment and needle pricks,
  • IV sedatives are most appropriate for providing relaxation during long span dental appointments.


What is Sleep Dentistry?


IV dental sedation can provide moderate to deep sedation for extensive dental surgeries where multiple dental treatments are performed in a single visit. You will feel almost sleepy, calm and relaxed during the whole time. You will not remember anything disturbing afterwards.


Call us today or send us a message to schedule your IV sedation consult with Dr. Adams


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