Many people are too scared of the dentist to have extensive dental work without some level of sedation dentistry. But is it safe to be put to sleep in the dental office? Or what level of sedation in the dental office is safe? This article goes over all the different kinds of sedation and which ones are safe for dental procedures.


sedation dentistry safety


Is IV Sedation Dentistry Safe in the Dental Office


Sedation dentistry is very safe.  In fact in many cases it is more safe than dentistry done without sedation.  Sleep dentistry is done by a dentist who has specific additional training involving a residency in a hospital under the supervision of a board certified anesthesiologist.  Additionally, a sedation dentist must pass a very difficult written test and an oral exam administered by the Maryland State Board.  Finally, the State Board examines the anesthesia facility to determine that the dental office is adequately equipped to deliver full sedation dentistry safely.


sedative dentist


Dr. Adams is our sedation dentist. He will meet with you personally to determine what level of sedation you need to comfortably tolerate your dental care whether it be twilight anesthesia or full IV sedation. Dr Adams is one of few dentists in the Washington-Baltimore area who sedates people for regular dental work as well as complex procedures.

“It’s amazing how well people do and how well they heal when they are calm and comfortable throughout their dental procedure.”

Contact us today for a no cost sedation dentistry consultation.


Sedation Dentistry is More Safe for Some People


Clinically, sedation dentistry can be safer, because an anxious patient can be kept comfortable, still and sleep peacefully through the procedure. Hence the term sleep dentistry.  Patients who are comfortable do not move during procedures and are less likely to get cut by dental instruments when moving in response to a fear.  With less tension, it is easier to control blood pressure and the dentist can deliver care faster, smoother and more effectively and in fact more safely.

IV Sedation is very safe compared to Oral Sedation


IV sedation compared to oral sedation dentistry is the safest and most predictable form of sedation dentistry. IV sedatives are slowly administered till the patient is calm and comfortable. IV sedatives take effect very quickly and have a profound effect. Adequate levels of sedation can be reached very quickly. In the event an undesired level of sedation is reached, a reversal agent can be administered to reverse the effect and wake up the patient. IV sedation works for all levels of anxiety because you wake up and the procedure is done.

In contrast, oral sedation is done with pills that take a long time to take effect and without an IV in place, the effects cannot be easily reversed.

There are many different levels and different kinds of sedation dentistry. Each has it’s pros and cons. Nitrous oxide gas sedation is another form of sedation that is very fast and easy to increase or decrease the effect. Nitrous is completely conscious sedation because the patient stays awake. It is suitable for mild to moderate anxiety and shorter procedures.


The costs of Sedation Dentistry


The cost of sedation dentistry depends on the type of sedation and the amount of time. IV sedation is the most expensive at $700-$1000 per hour. Oral Sedation is $500-$700 total and Nitrous oxide gas is $100 per hour.


Is Sedation Dentistry Safe for People with Medical Problems


how safe is sedation at the dentist


A very common question is about high blood pressure and heart problems. Is sedation dentistry safe if I have high blood pressure or a “weak heart?” In fact, sedation is more safe for patients with cardiac disease because the sedative drugs will keep the patient calm and comfortable throughout the dental procedures. If patients are anxious and stressed during a dental procedure, blood pressure, heart rate and general stress on the heart goes up. Keeping someone comfortable and not stressed is more safe, because adding stress and anxiety for a patient with heart disease is more likely to cause a heart attack or other medical emergency. Have a patient sedated and relaxed is easier for the heart to handle and can prevent cardiac emergencies in the dental office.

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