Full mouth implants procedure describes the process of replacing a full set of teeth or dentures with dental implants. There are many different ways to replace a full set of teeth with dental implants. At a certain point it is best to stop spending money on rotten teeth that are difficult and unpredictable to restore. Replacing teeth with implants is a much more permanent and predictable solution and puts and end to recurring expensive dental work. Implants do not rot, need root canals or get cavities. Dental Implants have very minimal maintenance and future repair costs. A price tag can be put on the value of saving natural teeth and sometimes permanent dental implants are the only option when teeth can’t be fixed or you need an upgrade from traditional dentures and false teeth.
There are many different ways to replace all your teeth with dental implants. Full mouth implant costs are highly variable depending on what option you choose and what dental implant clinic you go to. Some implants cost more and stay in the mouth permanently. Other implant teeth are more affordable and are removable. Removable implants require fewer dental implants and cost less.
Suffice to say some full mouth implants are more expensive than others, but it may be worth the extra money. What is the process to get full mouth implants and how long will it take? This full dental implant price guide will go over the various kinds of full dental implant teeth options, pros and cons and the costs for the different kinds of teeth.
Maryland Sedation Dentistry is a full service implant center
We are located in Burtonsville Maryland in the DC metro area and within a 20 minute drive of Washington DC.
Contact us for a free estimate and consultation including 3D x ray.
Full Mouth Dental Implants Costs?
What you will get for your money? The price of dental implants is confusing and is not straight forward. There are many different ways to replace teeth with implants. Unfortunately dental implant insurance coverage is not very good under most plans. This means a lot of out-of-pocket expenses. Full mouth dental implants costs between $25,000 – $75,000. The price depends on the kind of teeth. Some implants get permanently installed. Other teeth have to be taken out for cleaning. Some teeth are made of plastic and others are made of a special porcelain called zirconia.
So what teeth are best for you? Read this article and you cannot make the wrong choice. Just make sure you understand all the different teeth options, how they work and you cannot go wrong. We list the cost for all the various full implant options below.
Clear Choice Dental Implants
Implant centers such as Clear Choice(*) charge one fixed cost to replace all the teeth (top and bottom) with full mouth implants. The cost for All on 4-6 implants for the entire mouth is $45,000 and $55,000. Snap on implant dentures are at 25K – 35K for the entire mouth. An entire set of individual implants and teeth is $65K – $75K. In most cases the later option is not practical. We discuss the options in further detail below.
Fixed fees for the cases includes:
- sedation and anesthesia
- removing teeth
- temporary teeth to be installed the day of surgery
- bone grafting
- implants
- final teeth
Who is Maryland Sedation Dentist?
Maryland Sedation Dentist is a certified full mouth implant center, Just like Nuvia Implants and Clear Choice. We offer the same options as well as many others. Our modern facility is also certified for full IV sedation dentistry. You will sleep comfortably while your teeth get replaced with implants. We use a holistic approach to full mouth implants. Our experts are fully trained in modern oral surgery and dental implant techniques. All our cases are digitally planned from start to finish and use the best materials including metal-free zirconia teeth.
All on 4 Permanent Implants-Clear Choice-like Design
This option is a one-piece set of teeth permanently installed onto 4-6 implants. The option is also called All on 4 dental implants. This is the most popular full mouth implant option because it offers the biggest bang for the buck. That is you get a full arch of teeth on top of as few as 4 implants. The all on 4 dental implant procedure avoids lots of expensive bone grafting and oral surgery and far fewer implants than other more expensive full mouth implant options. The implant teeth are permanently installed and can not be removed by anyone but an implant dentist. The bridges are made by 3d printers out of zirconia. They are very cosmetic, strong and functional. This option generally costs $45,000 – $55,000 including the sedation dentistry. Cheaper plastic bridges are made, but should not be considered. They cost $10,000 less, but they only last a few years before needing to be replaced. Zirconia can last forever and it looks a lot nicer.
Snap on Implant Dentures
Snap on dentures is a set of teeth that is fitted to the gums and snaps on and off implants. This option is less expensive and requires fewer implants. This option makes the most sense for people who have lost lots of gum tissue, bone and teeth. Most people are very satisfied with snap on teeth. This option generally costs $25,000 – $35,000 for an entire mouth of new implant teeth. Snap on teeth are not offered by Clear Choice or Nuvia Dental Implants.
Replace All Teeth with Individual Implants
Replacing a set of teeth with individual implants is possible but quite expensive. This option feels the most natural and can be flossed and cleaned like natural teeth. This is the most expensive way to replace a full mouth of teeth with implants. This solution usually only makes sense for people who have recently lost their natural teeth. This option generally costs $65,000 – $75,000 total.
What is the Best Full Mouth Implant Option:
There are advantages and disadvantages to each option. There are many more things to consider. The best option comes down to a personal decision once you have all the facts. Part of the decision depends on how much money you are willing to spend. And your expectation of the the final result.
Clear Choice(*) and Nuvia Implants Compared to Maryland Sedation Dentist
Our main competitors are Clear Choice and Nuvia Dental Implants. Clear Choice(*) implant costs are expensive since they only offer All on 4 permanent implants. Nuvia Dental Implants is basically the same as Clear Choice except Nuvia attempts to deliver permanent zirconia teeth in one day. We offer many different options and advantages over Clear Choice(*) and Nuvia:
- We offer several more full mouth options compared to Clear Choice(*)
- We use proven dental science combined with the newest holistic dentistry techniques such as platelet rich fibrin, bone grafting and oxygen and ozone therapy.
- We use biocompatible pure non-metal zirconia implant teeth.
- No generic implants or Titanium alloys.
- We file dental insurance and collect your benefits from the insurance company. Clear Choice(*) does not take insurance at all.
- We offer flexible payment options and several financing options.
- We have helpful and friendly staff that will answer all your questions locally any time you call us. Clear Choice(*) has a national call center.
- We will continue to maintain your case for regular cleanings and checkups.
- Our cases are completed by one doctor from beginning to end. Clear Choice(*) has a team of doctors.
- We are not a national chain. We are not trying to take over the world. We are here to provide complete, personal and individual attention to your case and new smile.
Full Mouth Implants Video
Nuvia Dental Implants vs Removable Implant Teeth
Implant teeth can be removable like dentures. Or permanent meaning you cannot take them out of your mouth. If you are shopping for whole mouth implants, make sure you know which ones you are getting.
Acrylic Plastic vs Zirconia Implant Teeth
Most new implant teeth are made by modern high-end 3D printers. Zirconia is a specialized ceramic. It is very strong, smooth and totally stain resistant. The material is very durable, smooth and cosmetic. It lasts longer, looks better and feels more comfortable and natural than Acrylic plastic.
Implant teeth are still made of plastic by many implant centers with in-house labs such as Clear Choice. Plastic implant bridges are also called “hybrid dentures.” They are literally denture teeth that are permanently connected to implants. Clear Choice(*) does offer zirconia as an “upgrade” for a much higher price. But make sure you know what teeth you are getting when getting consultations for full mouth dental implants.
Titanium vs Zirconia Implants
Do not forget about the implants. Implants are like new roots installed into the mouth. Most implants are made of titanium, but there are metal-free zirconia ones too. It is important to get non-generic implants manufactured by a financially stable implant manufacturing company. Companies get sold or go out of business. If the manufacturer goes out of business, you may not be able to obtain parts in the future.
Permanent Implants vs Snap On Denture Costs
Most people prefer implant teeth that stay in the mouth. Obviously natural teeth are not removable like dentures. Permanent teeth are most often zirconia rather than plastic acrylic. Zirconia lasts longer, feels smoother and looks better. Snap on dentures cost on average $30,000. All on 4 dental implants cost $50,000 on the average. For cost reasons sometimes people will opt for snap on dentures. Snap-in teeth are quite popular. They look nice, are very stable and do not come loose while eating or talking. Dentures are also easier to clean, because they can be easily taken in and out.
Snap-on Dentures require Maintenance
The attachments need to be replaced every 3-6 months. And every 1-3 years the dentures need to be re-lined to maintain the fit between the teeth and the gums. Permanent teeth do not require this kind of maintenance. The life expectancy of snap-in teeth is 5-10 years. New teeth can be easily made to snap-on to the existing implants. Permanent teeth can last for 10s of years.
Full Mouth Implants vs Individual Teeth Costs
Full implant bridges can replace a full upper or lower set of teeth with 4-6 implants. The implants are used for a full upper or lower set of replacement implant teeth. “All on 4-6” bridges are less expensive than a complete set of individual implant teeth. All on 4 bridges can replace teeth and gum tissue and does not require as much bone as a full mouth individual implants. Because all All on 4 only needs four implants, less implant surgery and bone grafting is needed than replacing all teeth with implants and individual crowns. Due to fewer implants and less surgery, full implant bridges takes less time and are less expensive than individual implants.
Most people choose All on 4 due to higher costs of individual implants. All on 4 takes less time, involves fewer implants and less bone grafting surgery. Most people don’t want implant dentures because they do not want teeth that are removable. People also do not like plastic teeth that can feel thick, bulky and cheap.
Full Individual Implants and Crowns
This full mouth implant option is for people who have recently lost teeth. This option requires lots of bone and needs 10-12 implants per jaw. This option is expensive due to needing 20-25 implants and more oral surgery. Often more bone and gum grafting is required. That is why this procedure costs more than All on 4 implants and implant dentures. Obviously, the biggest downsides to this solution is the high cost.
Snap-in Dentures Costs
Snap on dentures is the least expensive full mouth implant option. Basically implants are used to secure a removable implant denture. Typically 4 implants are used to retain the denture by way of locator attachments. This allow the dentures to be “snapped-onto” the 4 implants. Often, only 2 implants is needed to secure a lower denture.
Should You Replace All your teeth with Implants?
How much do you value your natural teeth. Can they be saved? How much does saving the teeth cost? How long are natural teeth repairs going to last? Cost? Compare alternatives to replace all teeth with full implant alternatives. Some teeth might be saved and some replaced with teeth implants. For example, maybe your front 6 teeth can be replaced with an implant bridge and your back teeth repaired with fillings and crowns. The costs of saving and replacing teeth with implants must be considered.
Dental Implant Maintenance
Also consider how long each solution will last. And maintenance fees over time too. Clearly some full implant options perform and look differently too. Most often, your result is nicer when all you get a new full set of replacement teeth. Replacing all your teeth with implants wipes the slate clean and the implant specialist creates a new beautiful smile. But only you can decide what implant option is best. Make sure you understand the differences in the various permanent implant alternatives.
You cannot try implant teeth before you buy them. Learn as much as you can about the different options and how they differ. Once all your teeth are removed they cannot be replanted. Educate yourself about the different full dental implant choices and have a reasonable expectation prior to getting implants and a set of new implant teeth.
All on 4-6 is the most popular option because the teeth are not removable. The solution is also not as expensive as as getting full individual implants.
Snap-In dentures have the highest maintenance costs
For those who do not mind removable teeth, Snap-in dentures with implants are very affordable and stable. Implant dentures have the highest maintenance costs since the material can break and it inherently absorbs stains and smells over time. Dentures also need re-lining over time to maintain a good fit to the gums. Also implant denture attachments need to be replaced every 3-6 months.
If you are still not sure what to do. And your rotten, infected teeth really need to come out or else?, you can always remove your teeth and get traditional dentures. Do not wait too long because once teeth are removed, you will lose bone. And implants need bone or they do not work. Relative to implant dentures, regular dentures are quite a step down. Dentures are not stable and become dislodged during talking and eating. Implants are used to secure dentures or bridges. Many people will suffer through dentures because of the high costs of implants. Over time, dentures fit worse and worse due to bone loss. Often people will come back too late wanting implants. Without adequate bone, extensive and expensive bone grafting may be necessary to get implants.
(*)Clear Choice is a register trademark
Hi, I paid $11,000 for six implants. Did I pay an over priced amount?
No, I think that is a fair price.
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Those engaged in victim-mentality, view life through a narrow lens of pessimistic perceptions, believing whatever occurs in life is the result of outside causes. Inner reflection is never considered. Being a victim means absolving themselves of blame. Nothing is their fault – ever! Those engaged in victim mentality most often enjoy the attention, sympathy and validation they get from playing this “poor me” role.
Do u accept cigna insurrance
I have cigna do u accept it
My question is why haven’t any dentist explain to the dental organization that teeth are a necessity for good health and not a cosmetic importance although good teeth helps in appearance but the cost is unbelievable in the time we are in and it’s a shame that dentist get away with charging them absurd amounts of money for full mouth implants….although noone will pay attention to this comment it should keep being said…you pay and pay and pay your insurance and don’t use it for a couple years then boom when you do you have a high deductible and the insurance doesn’t cover a fraction of anything…it’s a ludicrous system ran by the dental organization of this nation that is choking the middle class out of everything and all dentist that are involved in this blatant inflation of pricing to urban neighborhoods should have shame…
I have the implants done in the Philippines 2 1/2 months ago,. 6 upper and 4 bottom, but I still have 6 front bottom tooth. My question is How much, for a full upper crowns preferably zirconia and also bottom
Full mouth implants
I have Humana Gold insurance, do u accept that. My husband i taking me right now to clear choice. Thank you for the information.
I have 1 front tooth that needs a dental implant. What would be an estimate of the cost?
Don’t have any teeth they were pulled out brutally January 2nd and I have been without teeth since then how can you help me? I need it by June 11th
How much for both upper and bottoms implants going to cost . I’m looking to get my teeth fixed soon
Need full mouth fest options for better don’t have much money