What are Sedation Dentistry Side Effects

What are Sedation Dentistry Side Effects

  Sedation dentistry aka sleep dentistry normally has very few side effects.  A sedation dentistry patient is asked to not eat or drink for 12 hours prior to the sleep dentistry appointment.  The medications used for sedation are very safe and have been used for...
How much does IV Sedation Dentistry Cost?

How much does IV Sedation Dentistry Cost?

  Generally the cost of IV sedation dentistry is $500 – $1000 per hour depending. The cost of IV dental sedation depends of the patient history, the types of dental procedures being performed, the length of the procedures, the number of IV sedation visits...
Does IV Sedation Dentistry Work?

Does IV Sedation Dentistry Work?

How is IV Sedation Dentistry? Does it Work? Does IV sedation dentistry work? Who is a good candidate for sedation dentistry? Sedation and sleep dentistry is a great choice for people who have severe dental anxiety, long procedures planned, severe gag reflex, and...
How Safe is Sedation in the Dental Office?

How Safe is Sedation in the Dental Office?

Many people are too scared of the dentist to have extensive dental work without some level of sedation dentistry. But is it safe to be put to sleep in the dental office? Or what level of sedation in the dental office is safe? This article goes over all the different...
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